How does the EPSRC decide whether a research grant or visiting fellowship proposal falls under MathFIT or not?
The EPSRC does not decide: the referees are asked to say whether a proposal is MathFIT or not. Of course, guidelines are given to all referees as to the criteria for MathFIT.
How does the EPSRC decide whether a workshop or summer school proposal is MathFIT or not?
Workshops and summer school proposals are peer reviewed by the Computer Science Committee of the LMS who call upon expert assistance as appropriate. It is they who decide whether a workshop or summer school proposal is MathFIT or not.
Does a research grant or visiting fellowship proposal involving research at the interface of mathematics and computer science count as MathFIT?
Not necessarily. It is not enough to simply propose research in an area appropriate for MathFIT: any research grant proposal must meet the aims of MathFIT and involve new interactions.
Does a MathFIT research grant or visiting fellowship proposal have to involve someone from a mathematics department and someone from a computer science department?
No. The focus of MathFIT is on inter-disciplinary research, not on departments. It is quite conceiveable that two researchers from mathematics departments might collaborate on a MathFIT proposal; or, of course, from two computer science departments.
Do Visiting Fellows have to come from a mathematics department if they are visiting a computer science department, and vice versa?
No. The only restriction is that the proposal meets the aims of MathFIT. Also, Visiting Fellows need not come from abroad: they can visit one U.K. department from another U.K. department (so long as the two departments are not in the same university).
Does a MathFIT research grant or visiting fellowship proposal have to involve more than one person?
No. Whilst collaborative proposals might be the most natural way to proceed, proposals involving only one researcher are perfectly acceptable. For example:
The focus of MathFIT is on interdisciplinary research.
Do all MathFIT research grant proposals have to be over three years?
Not at all. One-year, two-year and three-year proposals are all eligible.
I have a proposal I believe to be MathFIT. Should I submit under responsive mode or in reply to the annual MathFIT call?
It is up to you but it makes sense to submit to the annual MathFIT Call if time-scales permit: you will be in competition only with other MathFIT proposals; and you will have access to the annual ear-marked funds of £1.5M. A responsive mode MathFIT proposal must compete with other proposals from across the spectrum and will only benefit from being MathFIT in the event that it is adjudged to be of the same quality as another proposal. None of the ear-marked MathFIT funds will be available for MathFIT proposals submitted in responsive mode.
Potential applicants to the MathFIT initiative are strongly encouraged to discuss their proposal with the MathFIT Co-ordinator prior to submission.