An EPSRC panel met in June 1995. Membership of this panel was as follows:
Dr L Wallen (Oxford University), Chairman
Professor NL Biggs (London School of Economics)
Professor WA Hodges (Queen Mary and Westfield College)
Professor H Liddell (Queen Mary and Westfield College)
Professor U Martin (University of St. Andrews)
Professor FC Piper (Royal Holloway and Bedford New College)
Mr NHJ Birch (EPSRC, IT & Computer Science Programme) - Secretary
Dr PR Hemmings (EPSRC, Mathematics Programme)
The terms of reference for the panel were:
to explore the current and emerging concerns and issues in mathematics and IT, both in terms of supporting mechanisms and specific research topics;
to identify within these, areas of common interest (e.g. new lines of maths research that could have an impact on IT; or areas of IT where new insights could aid development);
to discuss how such areas could be developed (e.g. awareness workshops, programmes, training, etc.).
The panel suggested 6 priority areas, and made a number of recommendations concerning research, training and co-ordination. The recommendations of this panel have been incorporated into the main consultation document, taking account of developments within the research communities and within EPSRC.
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