MathFIT - Mathematics for IT

MathFIT - Past Events and a Brief History

Workshops and Summer Schools

The workshops and summer schools detailed via the links below were all sponsored by the MathFIT initiative. All events were designed to contain an instructional or introductory interdisciplinary component and were open to anyone interested in attending (subject to space restrictions). Every workshop had subsidised places for research students, who were particularly encouraged to attend. Further details of individual workshops can be obtained by following the links (where available).

Regional Seminars, April - June 2000

Four MathFIT Regional Seminars were held in April - June 2000 in Cardiff, Edinburgh, London and Sheffield. These meetings occupied an afternoon and were in the form of two research seminars followed by an EPSRC presentation (incorporating a question and answer session). The aim of these seminars was to inform the community as to EPSRC's ideas and plans as regards the expansion of MathFIT and also to enable individuals to help shape the future of MathFIT. Universities were allocated to one of the regional seminars on a geographic basis and EPSRC funded the second-class rail-fare of one representative from each of the mathematics and computer science departments of each university to attend the meeting. Of course, other departmental members were encouraged to attend also. For further details as regards each regional seminar, follow the links below which contain the orginal web-advertisements.

Town Meeting, December 1998

A MathFIT Town Meeting was held on 11 December 1998 at the The Regency Hotel, Queens Gate, London. Sponsored by the EPSRC and the LMS, the aim was to draw attention to the MathFIT initiative and to seek input from the community as to how to encourage interdisciplinary work and further develop the initiative.

A Brief History

The idea for MathFIT originally arose when the community suggested to the EPSRC that research at the interface between mathematics and computer science was not being sufficiently well funded. The MathFIT initiative has always been driven by consultation between the EPSRC and the wider research community; and this will also be the case in future.

This consultation resulted in a number of exemplar areas for MathFIT.

Editorial Control: Professor I.A. Stewart. Page last changed: 2 April 2002.
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