Below are the summer schools and workshops sponsored by MathFIT during 1997-98. Text is included to give a flavour of some of the events.
Recent advances in foundations for concurrency
"The recent explosion of activity on the Internet has highlighted the need for formal foundations for secure distributed systems. The nature of computing is changing constantly and new techniques have to be developed to cope with these changes. Whilst theoretical foundations must be laid, e.g., the pi-calculus, action calculi and interaction nets, there are also numerous more practical issues to be considered involving programming languages, networks, telecommunications and security."
Contact: Dr Rajagopal Nagarajan, Imperial College London
Date: 7-9 July 1998
Random walks and sampling algorithms
Contact: Dr Imre Leader, University College London Date: 20-24 July 1998
Randomised algorithms and stochastic simulation
"There is a growing interaction between on the one hand statistics and probability, and on the other hand that part of computer science known as the theory of algorithms. Two recent and related developments are: the idea of exact or perfect simulation, introduced by J. Propp and D. Wilson, which has caught the imagination of statisticians working in Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods and has seen dramatic growth since its inception a couple of years ago; and the study of necessarily complex computational protocols for contention resolution (for example, in Ethernet networks), which can be viewed as Markov chains and for which questions of stability (recurrence versus various kinds of transience) are absolutely fundamental."
Contact: Dr Leslie Goldberg, University of Warwick
Date: 26-30 July 1998
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