The LMS surveyed Heads of Departments of Computer Science to identify the requirement for a series of instructional conferences and to solicit suggested topics.
Suggested topics included:
abstract interpretation, adaptive algorithms, asymptotic analysis, automated deduction and proof theory, category theory, combinatorial optimisation, computational complexity, computational geometry, constructive mathematics, data security, domain theory, genetic algorithms, graph theory, information theory, kinematics for students working in robotics, Lambda calculus, logic, machine learning, mathematical analysis of computer vision, mathematical analysis of search techniques, mathematics of concurrency, mathematics of constraints and optimisation, model theory, model theory and specification, neural networks, number theory for information security, numerical analysis, parallelism and concurrency, proof theory, proofs and types, relative complexity of proof systems, signal processing, structural complexity, symbolic computation, type theory for computer algebra, types, zero knowledge and interactive proofs.
The LMS surveyed Departments of Mathematics and Computing to solicit proposals for instructional workshops for researchers, particularly postgraduate students, to provide instruction in topics from mathematics and logic which are of importance in Computer Science.
This elicited firm proposals from 15 groups in the following areas:
algebraic aspects of circuit design, algebraic foundations of algorithms, boolean function complexity, category and type theory, computer algebra and symbolic computation, computer vision, descriptive complexity theory, foundations and applications of pi-calculus, graph theory, mathematical analysis of networked and distributed systems, mathematical modelling of software systems, mathematics of machine learning, regular and systolic algorithm design, specification and implementation of concurrent systems, term graph rewriting.
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