In order to better reach the community, four MathFIT Regional Seminars are to be held in Cardiff, Edinburgh, London and Sheffield. These seminars will consist of a talk on research which has so far been supported by the MathFIT initiative (this talk will have the flavour of a research seminar), a research talk by an eminent mathematician and an overview of the MathFIT programme by an EPSRC representative, incorporating a question and answer session. EPSRC have it in mind to expand the MathFIT initiative and the event should be very informative. It is also an opportunity to help shape the future of MathFIT.
In order to involve the community as much as possible, it has been agreed that EPSRC will fund the second-class rail fare of one representative from each of the Mathematics Department and the Computer Science Department of neighbouring universities to attend the London MathFIT meeting. Travel expense forms will be available at the meeting on which expenses can be claimed from EPSRC. We hope that the representatives will advertise the MathFIT regional seminar within their own department, encourage others to attend (though these other people will have to find their own travel funds) and more importantly disseminate what they hear at the seminar fully within their department.
We have ascribed certain universities as falling within the neighbourhood of London and potential representatives have been selected (on an ad hoc basis) and written to. However, should these representatives be unwilling to act as such then they are welcome to ask around within their department for someone who is prepared to undertake the role (of course, if this other person attends the London MathFIT seminar then they will be eligible to have their travel expenses refunded by EPSRC).
1 pm |
Dr. David Pym (QMW, Local Organiser) |
1.05 pm | Professor Iain Stewart (Leicester, MathFIT Co-ordinator) "A glimpse at some MathFIT research" |
1.45 pm | Professor Peter Cameron (QMW) "Quantum error correction" |
2.30 pm | Mrs Anne Farrow (EPSRC) | |
3.15 pm | Tea and Close |
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