Proposals for workshops and summer schools must be submitted in reply to the annual call for
workshops and summer schools and address the aims of MathFIT. As to why a proposal addresses the
aims of MathFIT should be clearly stated. There are no standard forms and proposals should be
submitted in the form of a Case
for Support (of not more than six pages in length) which should include the following information.
The name and address of the proposer(s).
Details of the proposed event.
- Title.
- Venue.
- Date of the event.
- The estimated number of participants, detailing (as
far as possible) the numbers of:
- invited speakers;
- EPSRC supported research students;
- other research students; and
- other participants.
- A statement of whether the meeting will be open to
all, or only to invited participants.
- A statement on how the meeting will meet the aims of
- A brief statement on the aims and objectives of the
- Brief details of the organisation and the programme
of the meeting.
- The names and addresses of invited speakers, with an
indication of any who have provisionally accepted the invitation to attend.
- Details of which mechanisms for dissemination will be used.
A Financial Statement - a breakdown of the total estimated expenditure should be given for the following.
- Travel and subsistence for participants:
- speakers;
- EPSRC supported research students;
- other research students; and
- other participants.
- Publicity (e.g. printing of circulars, postage etc).
- Administration (including hire of rooms and any
necessary staff costs).
- Other costs not listed above, .e.g., childcare provision.
A list of forthcoming workshops and summer schools can be found here, and a
list of previously funded workshops and summer schools can be found here.
Some frequently
asked questions about MathFIT (including workshops and summer schools) can be found here.
Editorial Control: Professor I.A. Stewart. Page last changed: 5 July 2002.
All queries regarding these WWW pages should be made via: